Shaun Boshoff
The Jerusalem Night
הלילה של ירושלים
The Jerusalem Night consists of the Nations of the World, meeting together in person, in a designated country, city, place, and time, fellowshipping together and learning about why it is important to not only stand with God's Nation, Israel, and Jerusalem but what the role of the Gentiles are in the specific time we are living in. The word "Nation" in Hebrew, simply means Gentile. And how can Israel be restored to their fullness if we as Gentiles are not living up to the call God has placed on our lives?
Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring! I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I take pride in my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. Romans 11:11-14
As Gentiles, we are called to pray for the restoration of Israel and Jerusalem, and like King David also said, we are called to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and God's people, the Firstborn son. According to scripture - as restoration comes over Israel, God's abundant blessings and Spirit will be poured out over the Nations of the world. So what are we waiting for? As the Bible tells us: "May those who Bless Israel be Blessed, and may those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem prosper."
We truly believe that God has put His principles into place for a reason, and when we as Gentiles pray for His nation, the Jewish people as well as pray for and Bless Jerusalem, then His Spirit will be poured out, He will render the heavens and let His Blessings flow over those who come together in unity and pray for His firstborn - Israel.
The people in Jerusalem have been going through a trying time these last few months, and as South Africans and God's children, sharing in the inheritance of Israel, the least we can do is come together and stand with them in prayer and love. But also, isn't it just fun to come together and talk about Israel with other people who also understand it?
So come and be Blessed by joining us together in fellowship and prayer at the next Jerusalem Night, and come to learn about Why Israel, Why Jerusalem, and last but not least - Why you?
It's written clear as day
So come join us and pray
For God to make a way
The theme of the night is "Frankincense." which in Hebrew means "Heated until White-Hot." So come and join us to be a living fragrance and sweet-smelling aroma, purified as the Bride unto Yeshua for one night.
Entry is Free, We just need warriors. Please spread the word. It will be a night that echos into eternity so get ready to be a part of Biblical History. An abundance of Blessings and Shalom to you all! Check the information about the next Jerusalem Night down below.
Please don't hesitate to give us a donation and help us to continue making a difference.
The Next Jerusalem Night
Place: The next Jerusalem Night will be in South Africa. It will take place on one of the most beautiful ocean towns on the West Coast, under an hour's drive North of Cape Town, called Yzzerfontein. This seaside town is filled with the most amazing and hospitable people and is still one of the treasures of South Africa, accompanied by a beautiful bay, with a view that leave you breathless. A couple has been kind enough to host the event for us, where anyone is welcome. Please send a message underneath through the contact on the website if you would like to RSVP. We are having a special messianic speaker all the way from Jerusalem to come and share what God has for us.
Date: Tuesday the 08th of March 2023
Time: 19:00 - 21:00 pm
Please feel free to send us a message if you have any questions about this event or any other inquiries you might have regarding this website, and we will try and reply to you as soon as possible.