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It's all a bit blurry...

Dr. Shaun Boshoff



That it may slumberous lie, and listen to the snake.

Now I'm sure all of you are very holy and have never been drunk, but for those of you who are not perfect, you might still be aware that when a person gets drunk and goes out to party, he or she normally wakes up not remembering much of what they did or said the night before, where everything just feels like one big blur.

That same feeling of everything being a big blur can similarly be compared to driving in a big valley where the mist and fog are so thick that you can only see a few feet in front of the car.

What's interesting is that when something is foggy or blurry, it is obviously directly connected with your vision, your sight, and your eyes. And when we look at the most deadliest mammals that roam the earth, we are typically directed straight toward the crafty serpent known as the snake. And the most poisonous snakes in the world have one main weapon of choice, which as many of you know is to spit its toxic venom straight into its attacker's or prey's eyes, blurring and fogging it up so much, creating an opportunity for the snake to attack and murder its victim.

What's interesting when reading the Bible in Hebrew, is that the first time, we ever see a Hebrew word used for the word "Veil," is in Genesis 24:65 which states the following:

Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. She got down from her camel and asked the servant, “Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?” "He is my master,” the servant answered. So she took her Veil (Tsa'if) and covered herself. Isaiah 24:64-65

In this story, we see that when Rebekah saw her future husband for the first time she put on her Veil - Tsa'if - צעיף. The word means "Veil," but it was also commonly used for a "scarf." What's interesting about this is that the same word also means "To be blurred" or "To be fogged." Practically and physically it is quite logical that these are all the same word in Hebrew. When you put a thin delicate scarf over your eyes as a veil, you'll end obviously end up having a blurry or foggy vision, much like being intoxicated by alcohol or trying to look through a foggy misty valley or a smokey room.

But when we start to realize that the enemy tries to put a spiritual veil over the eyes of our hearts every single second of the day, our entire perspective changes. Satan and his demons are trying to spit toxic venomous deception directly at the eyes of your heart all day long. The only way to guard yourself is to put on the armor of God every morning when you wake up, where one of the pieces of the armor you clothe yourself with is the Belt of Truth. (Ephesians 6:14).

George MacDonald wrote a poem that explains this better. Let's have a look:

With every morn my flesh afresh must break

The crust of self, gathered about me fresh;

That thy wind-spirit may rush in and shake

The darkness out of me, and rend the mesh

The spider-devils spin out of the flesh

Eager to net the soul before it wake,

That it may slumberous lie, and listen to the snake.

- George MacDonald)

The poem explains how we need the Holy Spirit to come and shake out the dark deception we endure when our guards are down during the time when we are sleeping, being vulnerable and susceptible to the snake whispering lies and deception in our ears like a spider spinning its web around our souls before we wake up. See, when we wake up in the morning we need to spend time with God and read the Word of God as to re-establish the foundation of God's truth in our souls, hence putting on the Belt of Truth, helping us to resist the devil and live in the confidence of God's love for His children. This in turn makes our vision clear, and takes the fogginess and blurriness of the veil of deception away from the eyes of our heart, which we need, in order to see the battle for our souls taking place in the spiritual. So quote this verse with me today and let's remind ourselves, that things are not always what they seem. You might be anxious and worried about things that God has already taken care of, so give all your fears to the Lord because as Jesus said: Then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32.

Starting prayer for the day: Dear Heavenly Father, I do sometimes forget that what we see is not always what we get in this world focused on fleshly things. I put on the Belt of Truth today and ask that you will directly speak your truth about me and my relationship with You and those around me into my life today and continue to open the eyes of my heart dear Jesus. Let Your truth set me free from the entanglement of the sins of this world. Amen.

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