It's all about the mindset.
Are you ready to hear a revelation that I can 99% guarantee you haven't heard about before? Well, I'm definitely ready to tell you one. Now, we have most probably all heard about the time when Jesus was born, and where His parents put Him in a manger, correct? After all, that is where all our Christmas plays and carols come from.
What's interesting about the common western Christian picture of Baby Jesus, is that normally next to Him we can see the three famous Magi bringing Jesus gifts while He is still a baby in a manger. Did you know that you won't be able to find that truth anywhere in the Bible?
When Jesus was born, we can clearly see that He was in a manger, but when we read the story of the Magi, we can see that they came to visit Jesus in a "house," when he was a "child" and not a baby. That's also why it says that King Herod ends up killing all the male boys in Bethlehem who was in the vicinity of "2 years old and younger." Isn't that interesting? The magi brought their gifts to a young 2-year-old child in a house and not to a baby in a manger.
In any case, as we can clearly see when we read the story in Matthew, the Magi brought Jesus gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold. Now once again, when it comes to Jesus, nothing happens by coincidence. See, when we look at Jesus's coming in Isaiah 60:6 we can see that during the second time, in which people will be bringing Jesus gifts, they will once again bring Frankincense and Gold to Him, but this time they will not be bringing any Myrrh as a gift to Jesus.
Remarkably interesting isn't it? See, when you talk to rabbis in Jerusalem and most Israeli Jews alike, and even when you do some simple Biblical studies on your own, it is easy to see that the spice of Myrrh was used to embalm the dead. Meaning that much like when Jesus was buried in a tomb, the people who buried Him, would also put the Myrrh spice around and on His body in order to over conquer the smell of a decaying body. The root word for Myrrh in Hebrew also means "Bitterness." So in short, Myrrh is always connected to bitterness and suffering, death, pain, and so on.
And as we can see, the first time Jesus came as God's living Word personified in the flesh, He suffered and died on the cross of salvation for our sins. Jesus came as King, which is what the gift of Gold signified, and He will come as a King once again, which is why the gift of gold will be brought once again. The first time Jesus came down to earth as a sweet aroma, which is what the gift of Frankincense signified, which He will also do once again and which is why Frankincense will also be brought as a gift again. And then Jesus came to earth to suffer for our committed transgressions against God Almighty, which is what the gift of Myrrh signified, but as we can clearly see in Isaiah 60, Jesus is not coming to suffer for us again, which is why the gift of Myrrh will not be brought to Jesus again. No, Jesus is coming to rule victoriously, because He has already conquered the enemy and now has the keys to Death and Hades.
So whenever you have physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental pain, anxiety, suffering, loss, stress, or any kind of depression or so forth, claim the authority of Jesus Christ on the cross, and remind the enemy that you do not need to live under those things because Jesus has already paid for our suffering once and that He has overcome the world.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But be of good cheer! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Starting prayer for the day: Dear Jesus, King of Heaven and Earth. I make You King over my life today and every other day and claim the authority that has been given over to You from God the father, and because of Your living sacrifice on the cross of Salvation, I speak out that authority over my life as well. Live in me dear Jesus and destroy the death and suffering in my life which You have conquered for Your bride on earth. In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen.
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