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The Veil of Deception

Dr. Shaun Boshoff



The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. - Kevin Spacey (The Usual Suspects)

“I can’t believe I was so deceived” is a very common saying you normally hear from people who have had some sort of veil lifted from their eyes. Whether it is coming out of an abusive or manipulative relationship, an employee continuing to work at a dead-end job, because his boss keeps on promising him a promotion, but never gives it to him, or even believing that committing a certain sin is in fact not a sin.

There are so many examples of people having a veil in front of their spiritual eyes, so much so that we could probably talk about it for the next few years. Citizens from one country and religion don’t understand how a nation from another country and religion can live a certain way and not live as they do. Veils can come in the form of cultural differences, political differences, dietary differences, miscommunication, relationships and so much more, but the one thing all of these veils have in common is that once you have that veil in front of your eyes, you in fact don’t know that there is a veil. It is only once the veil has been lifted, that you will go through a moment of disbelief where you will almost be in awe that you did not see the veil before. In other words: “I can’t believe I was so deceived.”

In the Bible, we can see that after Moses came down from spending time with God on Mount Sinai, Moses's face was radiating so much, that he had to wear a veil over his face when talking to the people because they were too freaked out to look at him. Then for more than 1000 years, there was a veil separating God’s nation from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle as well as in the first and second temples. But once Jesus died for us on the cross, that veil was ripped in two, creating a way and direct channel for all humanity to have direct access to their communication and relationship with God. What surprises me the most, is that so many billions of people around the world have a veil over their eyes about the fact that there doesn't need to still be a veil.

For example, basically every Christian I know thinks that the story about Jacob in the Bible tells about Jacob marrying Leah, who was the wrong sister because Leah was wearing a veil, and as a result, Jacob couldn't recognize her and ended up marrying Leah and not Rachel, the sister he wanted to marry. If you've ever been to Sunday school, that's probably what you heard as well, correct? But that's completely wrong, there's not a single shred of evidence or verse in the entire Bible that mentions the fact that she was wearing a veil. Another veil about a veil. Isn't that crazy?

Once again, Hebrew gives us so much more insight. In Hebrew and in the Bible there are various different words used for the word "Veil." And as always they have way more than one meaning. For example, have a look at the following words.

HaTsa'if - הצעיף Veil / To be fogged / To be blurred. (See Genesis 24:65)

Masveh - מסוה Veil / To camouflage / To cover up / To conceal / To disguise. (See Exodus 34:33)

Ra'ala - רעלה Veil / Poison / Toxic. (See Isaiah 3:19)

Meginat - מגנת Veil / Disgusting / Offensive / Indecent. (See Lamentations 3:65)

Seter - סתר Veil / To Hide / To Conceal / Mystery / Secret. (See Job 22:14)

Ma'ateh - מעטה Veil / To be lessened / To be reduced / To be decreased. (See Song of Songs 1:7)

Parochet - פרכת Veil / Curtain / Difficulty / Contradiction / Inconsistency / To refute / To disprove / To be wrong of false. (See 2 Chronicles 3:14)

Then last but not least the actual specific Hebrew word used for "The veil of a bride on her wedding day" in Israel today is called Hinoma - הינומה and the same Hebrew root word also means "To sleep" or "To doze off."

Now, it is quite obvious that you can very clearly see that there are 7 different Biblical Hebrew words used for the word "Veil," where not a single one of them has a positive alternative meaning, even if they were used in the context of marriage, the Holy of Holies or even with God.

In my next few blog posts, I will cover these different words and meanings for "Veil" one by one, but altogether there will be one common denominator: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. - Kevin Spacey (The Usual Suspects)" The enemy has put a mass spiritual veil over the eyes of humanity, blinding us from the truth, which is the love God has for His creation. So keep checking the blog posts and I guarantee that the different veils in your life will slowly start to fall, and your spiritual eyes will be opened to the real.

Starting prayer for the day: Yes Father God, I can't even begin to imagine the things which I cannot see in the spiritual. I know that when I spend time with You, You alone can reveal to me the mysteries of understanding Your overwhelming and Consuming love for me. Help prepare to understand which veils I have over the eyes of my heart and how to get rid of them. Amen.

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